The Mad Dev

9 Tips for Working From Home That Can Help With Work-Life Balance

9 Tips For Working From Home That Can Help With Work Life Balance

Now more than ever before, working adults are working from home as a choice rather than a necessity. About 59% of adults say they work from home all or most of the time, so many people have had to tackle the issues of creating a work-life balance in recent years. 

Working from home can either be an easier way to get the job done or an intrusive, more difficult way that makes your home feel more like an office. However you feel about it, there are ways to improve your situation!

Read on to learn how you can create a better work-life balance for yourself today.  

1. Create an Office Space

The best way to keep your work and home life separate while under the same roof is to create an established workspace. 

Imagine a home office design that will be helpful, efficient, and put you in the mood to get to work. Creating that space can be a fun personal project since most people don’t get a chance to design their own office! 

Since you’ll be working alone, you get to call all the shots with decorating. Set up your computer and files where you’re most comfortable and splurge on your desk chair. You can place plants, posters, and any knickknacks in your space that make you smile.

Make sure to separate your office from the rest of the house by establishing an office room or buying a room divider to create a work area. 

2. Take Proper Breaks

One of the best benefits of remote work is that you can take breaks however you want! While you may still need to adhere to specific break times, you have the freedom to do what you want with that time. 

You can run personal errands, go for a walk, exercise, or watch an episode of your favorite show. The possibilities are endless when you are in the privacy of your own home. Take advantage of the home setting, it’s a perk of working remotely!

3. Turn off Distractions

One of the biggest downfalls of working from home is that you’re constantly in a setting that is rife with distractions. 

When you’re in an office, you automatically feel inclined to reject personal phone calls or do anything that makes it clear you are not working. Being at home while you work may tempt you into blurring those lines, but don’t fall for it! 

Keep phone use to a minimum and make sure to turn off any social media notifications. Know your limits and don’t let yourself fall into bad habits that decrease productivity.  

4. Take Advantage of Your Home Setting

There are many ways you can enjoy working from home simply because you are in your most comfortable setting.

Working remotely allows you to make work more fun within reason. You likely could never blast music at an office, but if it helps your productivity, why not indulge in your favorite tunes at home?

You can still make time to cook a delicious breakfast or lunch and eat it at your leisure while you work without worrying about disturbing anyone. Take every advantage you have! 

5. Set Boundaries

When your friends, family, and co-workers know you work from home they may be tempted to distract you. Setting boundaries with others and yourself will ensure you don’t lose out on work time and work goals.

Let friends and family know that just because you’re at home doesn’t mean they can call you during work hours. It may be helpful to set your phone to airplane mode or turn it off during the day. 

On the other hand, it’s also important to set boundaries with your boss or co-workers when it comes to finishing work for the day. Agreeing to overtime is one thing, but if you find yourself being asked to finish tasks past the work day often, it’s time to set boundaries. 

6. Ask For Help

All the most efficient employees know that part of being successful means knowing when to ask for help. Working from home can make certain aspects of a job complicated and you can get too used to problem-solving alone. 

Yes, your boss isn’t within walking distance of your desk, but that doesn’t mean you have to limit how often or when you ask questions or request help. Just because they are not physically near you doesn’t mean they can’t still help!

7. Take Vacations 

Working from home does not in any way mean your job is less work! It may be more relaxing than an office environment, but you’re still putting in the hours of a regular work day and feeling the same amount of pressure or stress. 

Being at home doesn’t count as a vacation if you’re still working! So make sure to take advantage of your vacation days when you can. 

You still need to step away from work, no matter where you work, to feel renewed and energized.

8. Leave Work at Home

It may be tempting, but do not let your proximity to your workspace tempt you to keep going after the work day is done. If you struggle with this, treat your workspace like a real office and pretend you don’t have access to it after the work day.

It’s important to learn to distance yourself from work tasks so that your home never feels like one neverending office. 

9. Make Plans After Work

One of the best ways to keep a good work-life balance is to put as much effort into your personal life as you do your work life. 

Make plans with a friend after work or take yourself out to enjoy a meal or movie if you prefer alone time. Make time to do the things that keep you feeling refreshed and happy once you clock out for the day!  

Learn More Work-Life Balance Tips 

Now you know all the best tips to create the perfect work-life balance as a remote employee.  

For more ideas and tips about balancing your work and personal life, check out our webpage of articles for people who work from home.  

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