The Mad Dev

Best Morning Routine: 7 Steps for a More Happier Day

Best Morning Routine 7 Steps For A More Happier Day

Can a morning routine make you happier? Yes! Research from the National Alliance on Mental Illness shows that having a morning routine can increase your energy, make you more productive, and improve your positivity. 

However, it can be difficult to stick to a morning routine if you don’t know what to include in your routine. Do you want to learn more about what steps you should include to have the best morning routine? 

Keep reading this guide for the top seven steps that you should take when getting ready for work to learn how to be happier!

1. Start the Night Before 

One of the most important parts of a morning routine is starting the night before. It can be difficult to feel productive in the morning if you slept poorly the night before. Plus, doing a few small tasks before you go to bed can help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to get started!

First, you should always go to bed early. This way, you will not be tempted to sleep in and you will have enough energy to get out of bed and start your morning. 

You can also do other small things, like laying out your clothes, the night before. This way, you will not have to spend unnecessary time selecting an outfit in the morning when you don’t have as much time. 

2. Don’t Check Your Phone Immediately

It is common for people to sleep with their phones right next to their bed and to check them immediately after waking up. While you may want to go through all of your notifications first thing in the morning, this may not be the best thing for your morning routine. 

Checking your phone can lead to increased stress and may make it easy to lose focus of the things you want to get done in the morning. 

Plus, it can lead to mindless scrolling on social media, which may be difficult to stop. Instead, you should wait to check your phone until you have finished your morning routine. 

3. Make Your Bed

Many people find that making their bed is one of the simplest, but most effective ways to improve their morning. Not only does it make your room look cleaner and more open, but it also gives you a sense of accomplishment as soon as you wake up. 

Making your bed allows you to start your day off right, can boost your productivity, and can even lower your stress!

4. Fuel Your Body

Fueling your body is necessary when you wake up. It is common knowledge that breakfast is an essential meal. Research shows that eating breakfast can help your heart, digestion, and more!

Even a small snack in the morning can provide your body with the nutrients needed to be productive and fuel your body. 

You should also drink plenty of water, as it is easy to feel dehydrated after a long period of rest. Fueling your body first thing in the morning can help you start the day on a positive note. 

5. Prioritize Self-Care

Incorporating some type of self-care into your morning routine is something that can start your day off on the right foot. Doing something for yourself can bring you joy, even if you have a busy day full of activities that you are dreading. 

For example, some people find that meditating or practicing positive psychology allows them to feel calm and collected in the mornings. You can do other things, like journalling or even listening to a podcast to have happier days even on the busiest mornings. 

Make sure you think about things that make you happy and include them in your routine. 

6. Go Over Your To-Do List

Creating a to-do list is something else that can improve your morning and help you become more productive. If you create a to-do list before bed, you will have a list of tasks that you need to get done before you go to work or start your day. 

Going over your to-do list in the morning can help you feel like you are in control of your day and will make it easier to plan out the things you want to get done. 

It is best to do tasks that you dread first, as it will provide you with instant gratification and a sense of completion!

7. Pick Habits That Are Important to You

When you are looking for things to do in the morning, what works for someone else may not work for you. If you follow someone else’s morning routine and make habits that you do not care about, it will be harder to stick with your new routine. 

While many morning people follow a similar routine, you must pick habits that are important to you!

For example, you may care a lot about your physical health. Including things like exercising in your morning routine may be more important to you than other types of self-care. Choosing habits that you care about will make it easier to reach your goals and follow your morning routine. 

Learn  More About Creating the Best Morning Routine Today

Creating a morning routine is one of the easiest ways you can learn how to be happier. Following each of these steps can help you create a morning routine that will help you be more productive and happy throughout your day. 

If you want to learn more about creating the best morning routine, The Mad Dev can help! Our website features articles on happiness, productivity, and personal development and can help you become the best version of yourself. 

Check out our blogs today to learn how to start enjoying life!

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