The Mad Dev

How to Improve Your Quality of Life

Profile Of Woman Breathing Fresh Air At Sunset

According to one poll conducted in 2020, American adults are the most unhappy they have ever been in the last 50 years. Now, more than ever, you may be wondering what you can do to improve your quality of life and escape such a statistic.  

Personal growth and taking control of your life are not things that happen overnight. A lot of work goes into improving yourself! That doesn’t mean you have to feel overwhelmed or take on every improvement right away. 

The trick to self-improvement is to find a pace that works for you and slowly create new habits. Over time, you will feel more satisfied with your life and the choices you make. 

If you’re unsure of where to start, read on to learn about the ways you can start improving your quality of life today. 

Create Structure and Set Goals 

This may sound like the least fun way to improve your life. In reality, setting up a routine will ensure you often end your day feeling content. 

If routines sound intimidating, try starting with a few small things. If you find yourself often skipping breakfast to save time in the morning, try going to bed earlier. Start your day with a full meal. 

Now is the time to establish a workout routine in your schedule. If you’re crunched for time, even fifteen minutes of exercise a day can make a big difference. 

According to the CDC, only about half of adults get enough physical activity to help prevent or reduce chronic disease. So, if your day only allows for a limited workout, taking that time is better than no time. 

Setting goals is also a great way to get yourself moving in the direction you desire. Start small, like making sure you drink more water during the day. When you’re ready, set bigger goals, like searching for the job you really want. 

The wonderful thing about goals is that you can make them as big or small as you’re comfortable with. Once you feel the positive effects of setting and reaching goals, you’ll feel more satisfied with your life. 

Connect With Your Relaxed Side 

Rest and relaxation are two of the most important things you can do to improve your daily life. Yet, they are often the first things tossed aside when you’re short on time.

Making time for relaxing should be a priority and just as important as making time for exercise or work. If you’re rested you’ll have more energy to put into your other projects or goals for the day. 

Creating a balance between relaxing and working is the key to finishing your day strong and feeling accomplished.

If your day is jam-packed with things to do, it can be as simple as creating a 10-minute window of time. Sit in the sun, do a breathing exercise, or meditate on positive thoughts.

If your schedule allows it, you can also try setting aside one day a week or month just for relaxing. Take a spa day, go for a long hike, or sit on a beach with nothing but some snacks and your favorite music.

Making time for yourself will remind you to stop and enjoy life when you can. It will also reinforce the idea that resting and doing things for your happiness creates balance and is well-deserved. 

Reflect and Go to Therapy

Therapy is sometimes dismissed as a drastic measure when it comes to self-improvement. In reality, therapy is a useful tool that will help you connect with yourself in ways you were unable to before. 

No matter who you are, everyone carries emotional baggage with them into adulthood. We become so used to these issues or anxieties that we stop seeing how they affect our decisions and reactions. They inevitably hold us back from growing.

Talking to a neutral party about your issues will help you gain perspective. It will also teach you the tools you need to better navigate life’s curveballs. It’s important to find a therapist that you can feel open, candid, and comfortable around. 

While therapy can help you unpack issues and understand yourself, it’s also okay if you’re not ready.

If that’s the case, make time to reflect on your life, actions, and thoughts another way. Start writing in a journal where you can work through your troubles or get your thoughts out. 

You can also ask to talk to a friend. Pick a trusted friend and set aside time to meet up and have a good, uninterrupted conversation. 

Keeping things bottled up will only do you more harm in the long run. No matter how you choose to do it, make time to work through your feelings. 

Make Time for What Matters

The best way to be happy is to do the things that make you happy! Take part in activities that make you smile. Make time for positive thinking, affirmations, and other positive activities.  

The good news is, self-care culture is here to stay. Everyone has obligations and duties that need immediate attention. If you are constantly feeling drained, it may be time to ask yourself if you’re doing what makes you happy. 

Simply put, if you wish you made more time for family or friends, you should. If you wish you had more alone time, make that happen. If you long to travel more, start saving and planning today. Put yourself first and say no to things you don’t want to do. 

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or start over either. If you want to pursue your dream career, go back to school. It’s never too late! 

Personal Growth Tips and More 

Now you know some of the best ways to start improving your quality of life! Like most things, personal growth does not happen overnight. Start with these steps to feel small improvements as soon as possible. 

For more about personal wellness, make sure to check out our webpage all about personal growth today. 

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